City of Aurora Development Application Review

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Type Phase Title Date Resubmit View
Case Files - 1st Technical Review Comments Need Tech Subm1st Technical Review Comments8/23/2023
Site Plans - Cover Sheet and Engineered Site PlanNeed Tech SubmISP Aero Pkwy 32nd to 48th7/31/2023
Case Files - Applicant Response - 3rd Review Comments Need Tech SubmDA-2062-43-AeroP_ISP3_Responses.pdf7/31/2023
Case Files - 3rd Review Comments Need Tech Subm3rd Review Comments6/14/2023
Subdivision Plat/ReplatNeed 3rd SubmAero Pkwy Infrastructure Plat No 15/15/2023
Case Files - Applicant Response - 2nd Review Comments Need 3rd SubmResponses to 2nd review comments5/15/2023
Case Files - Title WorkNeed 3rd SubmTitle Commitments5/15/2023
Case Files - Letter of Introduction/JustificationNeed 3rd SubmLetter of Introduction5/15/2023
Case Files - 2nd Review Comments Need 3rd Subm2nd Review Comments3/27/2023
Case Files - Applicant Response - 1st Review Comments Need 2nd SubmDA-2062-43 Comment Responses3/7/2023
Case Files - 1st Review Comments Need 2nd Subm1st Review Comments10/27/2022
Case Files - Acceptance Letter1st Referral SentAcceptance Letter10/6/2022
Case Files - Referral Memo1st Referral SentMemo10/6/2022
Site Plans - Photometric PlanSubmit ApplicationPhotometric Plan9/20/2022
Case Files - Response to Pre-app notesSubmit ApplicationPre-App Responses9/20/2022