City of Aurora Public Works / Engineering Document Review

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AURORA FAMILY DOLLAR STORE FLG #01 | Waiting for Fee Payment | 1054664
Developer/Applicant: MERRICK & COMPANY
Address & Zip Code: 1615 FOXTAIL DR, STE 260 LOVELAND, CO 80539
Phone: 9707444717 Fax: Email:

Current Owner: HUTTON
Contact: SAM SUSEN
Address & Zip Code: 736 CHERRY ST CHATTANOOGA TN 37402
Phone: 4237569267 Fax: Email:

Drainage Documents

Civil Plan Documents
Reports & Calculations: [Inspection & Maintenance Plan] | [Final Drainage Report]
[Final Drainage Letter] | [Erosion (SWMP) Report]
[Retaining Wall Calcs] | [Soil Resistivity Report]
[Drainage Structure Calcs] | [Other Documents]
Large Format Plans: [Final Drainage] | [Utilities]
[Overlot Grading] | [Roadway Plan & Profile] | [Storm Sewer] | [Water]
[Sanitary Sewer] | [Erosion Control] | [Retaining Wall]
[Survey Control Plan] | [Bridge] | [Box Culvert]
[Special Inlet] | [Masonry Wall]
Pavement Design Documents
Revision or Update to Previously Approved Documents
Irrigation Plan Documents