City of Aurora Development Application Review

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Type Phase Title Date Resubmit View
Case Files - 1st Technical Review Comments Need Tech Subm1st Technical Review Comments5/21/2024
Site Plans - Trash EnclosuresNeed Tech SubmFire Truck Movement Exhibit 25/3/2024
Site Plan - Public Art PlanNeed Tech SubmFire Truck Movement Exhibit 15/3/2024
Case Files - Applicant Response - 3rd Review Comments Need Tech SubmRESPONSE TO SITE PLAN REDLINES5/3/2024
Case Files - Applicant Response - 1st Review Comments Need Tech SubmRESPONSE TO COMMENTS5/3/2024
Case Files - Administrative Decision Results Letter Need Tech SubmAdministrative Decision Results Letter4/25/2024
Case Files - 2nd Review Comments Need Tech Subm2nd Review Comments4/5/2024
Case Files - Vicinity MapNeed 2nd SubmCorrect Response to Commetns3/15/2024
Site Plans - Architectural ElevationsNeed 2nd SubmFire Lane Easement3/15/2024
Site Plans - Traffic Impact ReportNeed 2nd SubmResponse to Traffic Redlines3/15/2024
Case Files - Applicant Response - 2nd Review Comments Need 2nd SubmResponse to Redlines3/15/2024
Case Files - 1st Review Comments Need 2nd Subm1st Review Comments2/22/2024
Case Files - Acceptance Letter1st Referral SentAcceptance Letter2/1/2024
Case Files - Referral Memo1st Referral SentReferral Memo2/1/2024
Site Plans - Utilities PlanSubmit Applicationutility conformance letter1/17/2024
Site Plans - Alta SurveySubmit ApplicationLEGAL DESCRIPTION FIRE EASEMENT1/17/2024
Case Files - Response to Pre-app notesSubmit ApplicationRESPONSE TO COMMENTS1/17/2024
Case Files - Letter of Introduction/JustificationSubmit ApplicationLETTER OF INTRODUCTION1/17/2024